About the Journal


Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran or Marketing Management Journal published in July, October, Januari and April, by Memikatta Publisher Indonesia. This journal aims to discuss current issues and to disseminate the latest findings in marketing studies to the community at large, including to those of scientists, practitioners, and policymakers. We welcome submission of original research in marketing studies.

We strive for quality publication and short return in desk- and peer-review. Therefore, we encourage the author(s) to write a cover letter to the editor explaining why Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran should consider the manuscript for publication and what are the managerial and scientific relevance of the submitted manuscript. The decision could only be either accepted (with minor revisions) or rejected/declined. No major revisions will be given. This is to shorten the review processes.


Journal Title Jurnal Manajemen Pemasaran
Subjects Marketing Management
Language English or Indonesian
Frequency 4 Times (June, September, December and March) / Year
Editor-in-chief Aan Shar, S.E., M.M. 
Publisher Memikatta Publisher
Citation Analysis Google Scholar | GARUDA | Crossref | Dimensions | Copernicus | SCILIT | ROAD